Tuesday, September 1, 2009

President Obama on Immigration

Here's the link to a short video of a spech President Obama recently gave. You might have to copy and paste it. http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=3906861&cl=14986640&ch=4226714&src=news

It's interesting to me that the only reason for better immigration policy he mentions is for the benefits of trade. The members of NAFTA want to decrease protectionism, but don't they really just mean protectionism of the market for goods and capital? I think the US is guilty of ignoring its practice of protectionism in the LABOR MARKET. Perhaps if the US and Canada accepted more Mexican immigrant workers, the state and federal government officials might take more action in combating the conditions which compell Mexicans to emigrate. Governments and politicians have no power without a population to govern.

1 comment:

  1. Great point, Kerry. The fact that the U.S. has never really invested in developing Mexico's economy (to prevent migration) is an often-mentioned complaint.
