Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Made in USA

This cartoon is so funny, but sad at the same time. It is true that a lot of American companies are moving out of the country to try to lower cost, but at the end it is only damaging our economy more.


  1. Pierina, good cartoon! There is actually a double message here. Do you see the irony that the artist is trying to communicate?

  2. Is it damaging the economy? The space is being used again and lower costs to the company can translate to lower cost to the consumer all the while improving the quality of life of the workers in bombay and providing opportunities for work here in the USA. The people who lose out are people who worked in that branch but at least in this example the old business was a bank and you can definitely find work in a business similar to a bank in the same town.

  3. This cartoon is a great example of globalization. The American company may have moved to India, but eventually, it will move on to yet another country where goods can be manufactured cheaper.

  4. PS- In the end no one is better off except the company.

  5. Yes to all these comments but the irony here is that the business taking over is an Indian restaurant! What do you think the cartoonist is trying to communicate?

  6. I just saw this but the irony is that Bombay is in India and while our economy is moving there to lower cost, there are more and more citizens from India moving to America and opening businesses here ( Restaurants, 7/11... taxi companies, and those are the one that are very stereotypical...!)
