Monday, September 14, 2009

Health Care and Illegal Immigration

A lot of fuss has been raised over democratic proposals for providing universal health care. A considerable point of contention on the issue has been how illegal immigrants will be treated under the bills that are now being debated, specifically whether they will be able to receive government health care paid for by tax dollars. Much has been made about this issue in recent days, particularly by Republican opponents. Despite arguments over whether or not the proposed bill does indeed offer coverage to undocumented aliens, both sides seem to agree on one point; doing so is a wrong. This is evident - ironically perhaps- in the recent outburst of Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina, who's outburst in a joint-session of congress made his opposition to such a notion clear, and that such a provision was inadvisable. President Obama's terse but firm rebuke made it clear the bill did not provide care to illegal aliens. Implicit in this is that fact that, like his rash detractor, the President also feels that illegals are not entitled to government financed health care. An article posted on Newsweek's website contests this point. Citing financial benefits such as reduced cost -going so far at one point in the article to claim that insuring the typical undocumented worker would cost less than half of what it would to insure an average natural born citizen- the piece, written by Andrew Ramano suggest that insuring illegals would actually help stabilize the proposed system. By stabilizing the cost of providing to health care with seniors with that of low cost workers who do not reside in the country much past the working age, an equilibrium is created that would lead to generally lower premiums. The article concludes by stating that despite the benefits covering illegals would offer, doing so is a political impossibility given the political climate. The sentiments of Congressmen Wilson on President Obama are follow in line with general public opinion that illegals are not entitled to American health care, which is in turn part of a general animosity directed toward illegals. Intentionally covering undocumented workers simply isn't politically viable. I am reminded of Massey's readings, particularly "The New Immigration and Ethnicity in The United States." in which he discusses white non-Hispanics and their fear of being replaced in the social hierarchy. To me, it seems that affording illegals Health Care coverage would lend a certain level of legitimacy in regards to being part of American society. Whether or not this is good or bad is up to personal opinion, but I can't help think that such legitimacy would strike at the fears Massey discusses in his article's opening passages.

1 comment:

  1. The bombardment of American voters at the doors of Congress must be heard, to make E-Verify a permanent illegal immigrant enforcement tool? It's incredulous that we are winning small wars against our lawmakers beneficiaries--the special interest lobby. LEGISLATORS ARE FINALLY HEARING OUR ANGRY VOICES. Rep. Joe Wilson C-SC opened the eyes of millions of Americans, who are been left unaware of the cloaked--AMNESTY--committees that is going to rip the fabric of every voters life apart. Any detail in the national media has been subdues or intentionally omitted, as with the crowds of Tea Party opponents. Sen. Harry Reid could be stretching his neck out for the headsman in his re-election campaign, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. They both have used their political influence in trying to overturn E-Verify. Pro-Illegal alien lawmakers could table it, under the "Sunset Provision" on September 30?

    President Obama's direction towards an unmentionable path to citizenship for all those who broke our law is abhorrent. After the controversial eruption in the Session of Congress, they surely must be aware that imposing immigration reform on the people could break them? Americans taxpayers are already supporting business welfare? Corporate entities want these destitute people here to exploit, but don't want to pay for their health care, schooling or towards the massive numbers surviving in prison. They leave that to the fading middle class taxpayers who carry the tax burden? Over a decade has passed since illegal people started coming here in droves and with little or no laws, to blockade their arrival we are now talking over 20 million. Nor does it stop there? Owing to the clarion call of Amnesty ringing out in the slums and ghetto's of foreign criminals, sick, elderly and those without means, from all over the world will descend on us. IT MEANS OVERPOPULATION?

    Bad as it may be now, who is going to subsidize the new arrivals? Not the business cartels that’s for sure? Once again taxpayers will be heavily taxed to pay for the new shipment of poor, uneducated from every region. How can we expect to have any government public option for our own people, when our gates remain wide open for "Anchor Babies" and the illegal millions expecting a free handout? A nurse in a Nevada hospital indicated they have a row of beds of illegal immigrants on dialysis, which was costing weekly $18.000 dollars for each treatment. Tell me who pays for that? The US government pays a small portion; the rest is acquired from the hospital or taxpayer.

    I want a single payer system for homeless veterans, seniors, single mothers with children and poor American families. But I refuse to pay for everybody who climbs, crawls under the fence or bluffs the Federal officer at shipping ports and airports of entry. It's not our responsibility. DON'T WAIT! PESTER YOUR SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY AT 202-224-3121? Find true facts by GOOGLING NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & IMMIGRATION COUNTERS
