Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Phone Apps

The Readers Digest version of this story is that students from University of California have developed an application for Nextel phones. The application will show immigrants illegally crossing the border where to go for water, major roads, and border patrol officials should they be too weak to continue their journey. They are doing this as a project for a humanitarian class. The application will be preloaded into an unspecified number of phones that will be delivered to Mexico as part of their humanitarian project.
I am torn on how I feel about this. Because the application does not directly give immigrants entry points, there is nothing technically wrong with the project. However, it is still giving aid to people coming in illegally.
On the other hand, it is terrible that these imigrants are "forced" to come across the border illegally because our policies take too long. It is also terrible that many of these immigrants are seriously injured or even killed as a result of their journey.
The application seems on the surface to he more help than it is harm. The government could even use the GPS in the devices to crack down on illegal immigration. Therefore, right off I believe I am in favor of the application. Because illegal immigration is not going to stop any time in the near future, I believe that we should do what we can to help others in need.

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