Thursday, December 3, 2009

Immigration Detention: Give Detainees Fair Hearings

"Immigration detention can be made more humane and fair without compromising national security." After reading this article it reminded me of the Snake head Book with Sister Ping. The points made in the article were the same issues that the illegal immigrants faced once they were in a detention facility. The system "is fatally flawed." It goes to talk about how the detainees are taken as far away from the area they were first picked up at which results in isolation and sometimes no counsel at their deportation hearings resulting in an unfair trail. In their conditions detainees are more likely to just except deportation instead of returning back to detention. Its sad how the article portrays the indecisive panel; they were trying to solve a problem and give light and justice to people that really don't have a chance and on the the other side they feel the way things are set up are fine. In the end its still being debated and people are still being mistreated in the sense where there not given the full right to fight to stay in America.

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