Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doctor fakes exams on immigrants

So basically this article is about a doctor from LA who charged immigrants $150 for papers saying that they are healthy when he didn't perform the exam. He is now in jail for lying to the government. For some reason I'm really not surprised to hear about this. Veterinarians 'lie' on health certificates for animals to travel. I'm sure doctors lie on forms for insurance companies etc. The purpose of these exams is to ensure that these immigrants aren't bringing in viruses... um ok? There are so many viruses spreading around the world that I feel like doing health exams of immigrants is just another way for US government to squeeze more money out of these people and hinder them being able to come over financially. I think that general checkups are ideal for any person and are a good thing, but I feel like the government is treating them more like livestock than actual people, to a certain extent. As for the doctor, anyone can be persuaded to do something if there is enough money in it, and obviously there was a large demand for his service.

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