Thursday, October 8, 2009

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  1. I don't know why I was unable to make my comment next to the cartoon but I found it true and I could relate to it. The cartoon shows one immigration agent working on many many different cases and then people trying to come to the country illegally. My family and I went through something like this, my father is an American citizen and under the law because I was 14 when I moved here I could get my citizenship in a processes that lasted up to 6 months, the immigration office is so inefficient right now that it took me 4 years to get my citizenship and then 4 more months to get my passport. We need a more efficient immigration system to make it easier for people to be able to live in the US legally.

  2. Hi Pierina, I really like this cartoon on several levels, but at the same time, I think it gives a false impression that there is a line that people could wait in, but choose not to and try to "skip" into the country instead.

    You were really fortunate that your father was a citizen. For the average peasant worker in Mexico and Central and South America, there is no line.

    So, what you comment here is basically correct, we do need a more effective immigration system.
